Wrapper: Pennsylvania Broadleaf
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Toro: (size not available)
Price: n/a
This cigar was assessed in depth on Cigar Coop.
The Carpe Noctem has been a project that has been in the pipeline for two years. As Gary Griffith told us on Stogie Geeks, the cigar was not released last year due to the consolidation of the A.J. Fernandez factory. Plans are for it to finally come up at the 2014 IPCPR. It was intended to deliver a bold spicy cigar.
This cigar uses Pennsylvania Broadleaf. Normally I prefer a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, but this one was most impressive. This cigar delivers a lot of mocha flavor which I use as a catch-all for coffee, chocolate, and earth. It has an herbal spice, that I call a “signature Gary Griffith” flavor. There was a little youngness in the middle as I picked up a little citrus flavor on the sour side. Toward the end, the spice really kicks up, but does not exhibit any harshness. This cigar is definitely a meal – full strength and full-bodied.
Overall, this is a great addition to the Emilio portfolio. While I don’t put a rating on a pre-release, this is one worth watching.
May 22, 2014
Carpe Noctem by Emilio Cigars (Pre-Release)
Paul Asadoorian 0 - No Rating Emilio, EP96, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: Pennsylvania Broadleaf
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Toro: (size not available)
Price: n/a
This cigar was assessed in depth on Cigar Coop.
The Carpe Noctem has been a project that has been in the pipeline for two years. As Gary Griffith told us on Stogie Geeks, the cigar was not released last year due to the consolidation of the A.J. Fernandez factory. Plans are for it to finally come up at the 2014 IPCPR. It was intended to deliver a bold spicy cigar.
This cigar uses Pennsylvania Broadleaf. Normally I prefer a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, but this one was most impressive. This cigar delivers a lot of mocha flavor which I use as a catch-all for coffee, chocolate, and earth. It has an herbal spice, that I call a “signature Gary Griffith” flavor. There was a little youngness in the middle as I picked up a little citrus flavor on the sour side. Toward the end, the spice really kicks up, but does not exhibit any harshness. This cigar is definitely a meal – full strength and full-bodied.
Overall, this is a great addition to the Emilio portfolio. While I don’t put a rating on a pre-release, this is one worth watching.
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