
This cigar was blended by Hector Alfonso as a part of the Espinosa Backroom Series for its cigar lounges. Given that Alfonso is the man behind Espinosa Wasabi and MoyaRuiz Pickle Juice, there are going to be comparisons between the two cigars. I think both cigars push the boundaries of what a candela can do, but they go about it different. With Pickle Juice, this delivers a bolder candela cigar without the typical candela grassiness. Wasabi takes a different path. It’s going to have some of those candela grassy qualities, but it has a nice combination of sweetness and spice originating from the tobacco that gives this cigar a unique experience. Overall, one of the best candelas – and it earns a Chuck Norris rating.

Wrapper: Candela
Binder: Not Disclosed
Filler: Not Disclosed
Country of Origin: Nicaragua (La Zona SA)
Robusto: 5 x 52
Price: $8.50
Cigar Coop Review: Espinosa Wasabi (Part of the Backroom Series)
Show Video: Episode 202

Stogie Geeks Rating: 4.5-Fight Chuck Norris for Them