Wrapper: San Andres Maduro (Mexico)
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Dominican Republic and Honduran
Toro: 6 x 50
Price: $12.50
This cigar was assessed in detail on Cigar Coop.
The Ditka 89 is the fifth cigar in Camacho Cigars’ Mike Ditka line of cigars. The “89” represented Ditka’s number when he played Tight End for the Chicago Bears. The recent release of the Ditka 89 cigars was meant to coincide with the December 9th, 2013 retirement of Ditka’s number by the Chicago Bears.
This cigar is going to provide notes of red pepper, chocolate, earth, natural tobacco, and a touch of cream. The cigar is going to start out medium to full in strength and body, but ramps up to full by the end. This very nicely fits into Camacho’s bold standard.
A note on the packaging: This is the first Ditka cigar not packaged in a coffin, but it also is one of the pricier cigars in the line. This factored a bit into why its a fiver, but its definitely worth giving a smoke.
February 6, 2014
Ditka 89 by Camacho Cigars
Paul Asadoorian 3- The Fiver EP83, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: San Andres Maduro (Mexico)
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Dominican Republic and Honduran
Toro: 6 x 50
Price: $12.50
This cigar was assessed in detail on Cigar Coop.
The Ditka 89 is the fifth cigar in Camacho Cigars’ Mike Ditka line of cigars. The “89” represented Ditka’s number when he played Tight End for the Chicago Bears. The recent release of the Ditka 89 cigars was meant to coincide with the December 9th, 2013 retirement of Ditka’s number by the Chicago Bears.
This cigar is going to provide notes of red pepper, chocolate, earth, natural tobacco, and a touch of cream. The cigar is going to start out medium to full in strength and body, but ramps up to full by the end. This very nicely fits into Camacho’s bold standard.
A note on the packaging: This is the first Ditka cigar not packaged in a coffin, but it also is one of the pricier cigars in the line. This factored a bit into why its a fiver, but its definitely worth giving a smoke.
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