6 X 54 Chisel
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra Ligero
Binder: Dominican Sumatra
Filler: Dominican and Nicaraguan
This cigar was distributed in a previous CRA sampler and at certain events. I actually got mine from a give away at the Quad State Herf at West Point in the summer of 2012. This vitola was not regular production. It had nice spice and black pepper. It had a nice toasty feel and a touch of wood. It had much stronger flavor than any other vitolas that I have had in this blend.
I would say this is worth a box split if they were available.
February 13, 2014
LFD Colorado Oscuro Chisel
Mark Jr 3.5 - Box Split EP84, Mark Jr, Stogies 0 Comments
6 X 54 Chisel
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra Ligero
Binder: Dominican Sumatra
Filler: Dominican and Nicaraguan
This cigar was distributed in a previous CRA sampler and at certain events. I actually got mine from a give away at the Quad State Herf at West Point in the summer of 2012. This vitola was not regular production. It had nice spice and black pepper. It had a nice toasty feel and a touch of wood. It had much stronger flavor than any other vitolas that I have had in this blend.
I would say this is worth a box split if they were available.
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