The flavors were very muted and boring. There is an almost artificial sweetness (I’m assuming this comes from the paste used for the cap). The sweetness doesn’t manage to mask the boring and somewhat-harsh-at-times flavors.
Rating: The Angler (only because the sweetness makes it somewhat enjoyable)
Size: 5 x 50
Wrapper: Connecticut
Filler: Honduran
Strength: Mild
July 6, 2012
La Fontana Vintage Galileo Robusto
Paul Asadoorian 2 - The Angler EP23, Paul, Stogies 0 Comments
The flavors were very muted and boring. There is an almost artificial sweetness (I’m assuming this comes from the paste used for the cap). The sweetness doesn’t manage to mask the boring and somewhat-harsh-at-times flavors.
Rating: The Angler (only because the sweetness makes it somewhat enjoyable)
Size: 5 x 50
Wrapper: Connecticut
Filler: Honduran
Strength: Mild
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