Wrapper: Nicaraguan Select Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Toro: 6 x 52 (Box Pressed)
This cigar was recently assessed on Cigar Coop.
In 2012, Antonio Lam of Reinado Cigars launched his second blend, the Reinado Grand Empire Reserve. That original cigar was a 5 x 55 box-pressed Robusto called Elegidos. In 2013, Lam added three additional sizes (in which Cigar Coop was given the exclusive formal press release). One of those sizes was a toro-sized vitola.
I felt the release of the Grand Empire Reserve helped take Reinado Cigars to the next level, and the release of the Toro solidifies that. The cigar has flavors of coffee, pepper, earth, and floral notes. The flavors started out medium-bodied, and progress to medium to full-bodied in the last third. The strength also follows suit. While I though the flavors had less depth in the Toro, they were much smoother than the Elegidos. The construction was excellent on this cigar as both the burn and draw score very well.
This cigar was one terrific Nicaraguan puro. Definitely a box worthy cigar.
Source: Sample provided by Reinado Cigars.
October 3, 2013
Reinado Grand Empire Reserve Toro
Paul Asadoorian 4 - Box Worthy EP68, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Select Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Toro: 6 x 52 (Box Pressed)
This cigar was recently assessed on Cigar Coop.
In 2012, Antonio Lam of Reinado Cigars launched his second blend, the Reinado Grand Empire Reserve. That original cigar was a 5 x 55 box-pressed Robusto called Elegidos. In 2013, Lam added three additional sizes (in which Cigar Coop was given the exclusive formal press release). One of those sizes was a toro-sized vitola.
I felt the release of the Grand Empire Reserve helped take Reinado Cigars to the next level, and the release of the Toro solidifies that. The cigar has flavors of coffee, pepper, earth, and floral notes. The flavors started out medium-bodied, and progress to medium to full-bodied in the last third. The strength also follows suit. While I though the flavors had less depth in the Toro, they were much smoother than the Elegidos. The construction was excellent on this cigar as both the burn and draw score very well.
This cigar was one terrific Nicaraguan puro. Definitely a box worthy cigar.
Source: Sample provided by Reinado Cigars.
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