
Cigar Federation is adding the Stogie Geeks show to its weekly live show lineup. Under the agreement, the Stogie Geeks live broadcast will be made exclusively on the Cigar Federation platform and leverage Cigar Federation’s industry-leading social media platform.

Stogie Geeks is an industry-leading weekly podcast that features a smoke of the week, how-to and cigar topic discussions and guest appearances by personalities in the cigar industry. Each podcast features in-depth reviews of the cigars discussed on the show to address the age-old cigar smokers question “What’s new?”. This past August, Stogie Geeks entered into a partnership agreement with Cigar Coop, a leading cigar news and reviews web-site. The agreement united the world of cigar podcasting with cigar journalism between both brands.

Stogie Geeks was founded in 2011 by Paul Asadoorian and Tim Mugherini. Since then the team has added Will Cooper, Founder of Cigar Coop, Mark Maloney, and Mark “Stogie Santa” Feeley. Each member of the team brings his unique personality to the show while creating a “cigar roundtable” dynamic for each broadcast.

“I’m very excited to collaborate with the fine folks from Cigar Federation”, says Paul Asadoorian, founder of PaulDotCom Enterprises and Stogie Geeks. “Being part of the awesome team at Cigar Federation is a true honor and we are looking forward to contributing to the community”.

“Cigar Federation is all about building camaraderie and fostering the cigar culture. Having Stogie Geeks partner with us in that endeavor is very cool. The level of cigar knowledge and entertainment they bring to their show makes it a perfect match for CigFed.” added Logan Lawler.

The first Stogie Geeks show to be carried on Cigar Federation will be November 7th at 9pm Eastern time. The special guest will be Matt Booth from Davidoff Cigars. In addition to discussing the Stogie Geeks’ smokes of the week there will be a segment discussing cigar cutters and lighters.

For more information visit, www.cigarfederation.com and www.stogiegeeks.com.

Watch Stogie Geeks live by going to www.stogiegeeks.com/live!