Wrapper: Ecuadorian DeFlorada
Binder: Dual Ecuadorian (2 different binders)
Filler: Nicaraguan and Dominican
This cigar was reviewed in depth on Cigar Coop, but its noteworthy because Warped Cigars was a huge hit at the 2014 IPCPR Trade Show – and in particular this cigar.
The La Colmena is a new line being launched by Warped Cigars, but the This cigar is made at El Titan de Bronze. The Unico Especial is a limited frontmark in this line that was made only available to the IPCPR retailers that attended the show. La Colmena means “hive” and keeping with the theme of bees, this cigar has a covered foot with a stringer perturbing from it.
This cigar is loaded with complexity. This cigar has notes of natural tobacco, pepper, herbal spice, cream, nut, and a subtle fruit note in the background. I found the first third to have notes of natural tobacco, cream, wood, and herbal spice. The second this seems to have more nut flavors. I found the other flavors to complement this profile perfectly. The flavors were medium to full and the strength was medium. Construction was excellent and the burn and draw scored very well.
This is easily a box worthy cigar and it could go higher.
July 24, 2014
La Colmena Unico Especial by Warped Cigars
Paul Asadoorian 4 - Box Worthy EP103, Stogies, Warped Cigars, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: Ecuadorian DeFlorada
Binder: Dual Ecuadorian (2 different binders)
Filler: Nicaraguan and Dominican
This cigar was reviewed in depth on Cigar Coop, but its noteworthy because Warped Cigars was a huge hit at the 2014 IPCPR Trade Show – and in particular this cigar.
The La Colmena is a new line being launched by Warped Cigars, but the This cigar is made at El Titan de Bronze. The Unico Especial is a limited frontmark in this line that was made only available to the IPCPR retailers that attended the show. La Colmena means “hive” and keeping with the theme of bees, this cigar has a covered foot with a stringer perturbing from it.
This cigar is loaded with complexity. This cigar has notes of natural tobacco, pepper, herbal spice, cream, nut, and a subtle fruit note in the background. I found the first third to have notes of natural tobacco, cream, wood, and herbal spice. The second this seems to have more nut flavors. I found the other flavors to complement this profile perfectly. The flavors were medium to full and the strength was medium. Construction was excellent and the burn and draw scored very well.
This is easily a box worthy cigar and it could go higher.
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