Wrapper: Dominican Republic
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Piloto Viso, San Vicente Mejorado Seco, Piloto Mejorado Seco, San Vicente, Mejorado Viso, Vicente Mejorado Viso
Perfecto: 5 15/16 x 54
Price: $35.00
This cigar was assessed in depth on Cigar Coop.
The Davidoff Art Edition 2014 is a part of Davidoff’s Art Initiative that was announced in December 2013 at the Art Basel festival in Miami Beach, Florida. As a part of this initiative, Davidoff would establish an art residency to help emerging artists (including one in the Dominican Republic); provide art grants (which were awarded to two Dominican institutions); and produce the first Davidoff Art Edition cigar. This cigar project would also provide the opportunity for artists to create artwork for the packaging and banding of cigars. In addition a portion of the sales for this cigar helps fund the Davidoff Art Initiative. Dominican artist Quisqueya Henríquez was chosen to produce the artwork for the first release, the Davidoff Art Edition 2014. Henríquez has created two artworks “Forms of Freedom #1” and “Forms of Freedom #2” – each used on the packaging and banding of the Davidoff Art Edition 2014. While there are two packaging options, the cigar is the same.
This cigar is nothing short of a home run for Davidoff. The cigar starts out with notes of cedar and fruit up front as some background notes of hay and nut. The second third sees a coffee note surface in the forefront with the cedar and fruit moving into the background. I also picked up a nice creaminess in the background. The last third continues the primary notes of coffee, but the pepper makes its way to the forefront.
Overall this was a medium-bodied cigar that progresses to medium to full in the last third. The nicotine level is also medium. This is a perfecto that burns and draws perfect. This is very close to Oasis level, but for now its a fight for Chuck Norris.
October 2, 2014
Davidoff Art Edition 2014
Paul Asadoorian 4.5 - Fight Chuck Norris For Them Davidoff, EP112, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: Dominican Republic
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Piloto Viso, San Vicente Mejorado Seco, Piloto Mejorado Seco, San Vicente, Mejorado Viso, Vicente Mejorado Viso
Perfecto: 5 15/16 x 54
Price: $35.00
This cigar was assessed in depth on Cigar Coop.
The Davidoff Art Edition 2014 is a part of Davidoff’s Art Initiative that was announced in December 2013 at the Art Basel festival in Miami Beach, Florida. As a part of this initiative, Davidoff would establish an art residency to help emerging artists (including one in the Dominican Republic); provide art grants (which were awarded to two Dominican institutions); and produce the first Davidoff Art Edition cigar. This cigar project would also provide the opportunity for artists to create artwork for the packaging and banding of cigars. In addition a portion of the sales for this cigar helps fund the Davidoff Art Initiative. Dominican artist Quisqueya Henríquez was chosen to produce the artwork for the first release, the Davidoff Art Edition 2014. Henríquez has created two artworks “Forms of Freedom #1” and “Forms of Freedom #2” – each used on the packaging and banding of the Davidoff Art Edition 2014. While there are two packaging options, the cigar is the same.
This cigar is nothing short of a home run for Davidoff. The cigar starts out with notes of cedar and fruit up front as some background notes of hay and nut. The second third sees a coffee note surface in the forefront with the cedar and fruit moving into the background. I also picked up a nice creaminess in the background. The last third continues the primary notes of coffee, but the pepper makes its way to the forefront.
Overall this was a medium-bodied cigar that progresses to medium to full in the last third. The nicotine level is also medium. This is a perfecto that burns and draws perfect. This is very close to Oasis level, but for now its a fight for Chuck Norris.
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