Wrapper: Ecuador Habano 2000 seed Hybrid
Binder : Nicaraguan, Jalapa
Filler: Nicaraguan, Esteli and Jalapa
Country of Origin: Nicaragua (Cubanacan Cigars Factory S.A.)
Sublime: 6 1/2 x 54
Price: $21.95
This cigar was assessed in depth on Cigar Coop.
The Cubanacan HR is a new brand that has been launched by Nicaraguan cigar manufacturer Cubanacan Cigars. 2014 has been a year of transformation for Cubanacan cigars. Earlier this year the company also streamlined its portfolio to focus on their existing Cubanacan, Soneros, and Mederos brands. The new HR brand was announced shortly before the 2014 IPCPR. The HR brand is a collaboration between Cubanacan Cigars and acclaimed Cuban cigar grower / cigar maker Hirochi Robaina.
I will start off very simple – this is an a landmark cigar. It is truly a special blend and it already is a frontrunner for my 2015 Cigar of the Year.
This cigar is loaded with complexity. It starts out with notes of wood, natural tobacco sweetness (with some sugar cane), and white pepper. As the HR Sublime moved through the first third, some chocolate notes surfaced. By the end of the first third, the chocolate notes joined the natural tobacco flavors in the forefront. The sugar cane notes diminished while the cedar and pepper were more distant. There was also a nice creamy undertone that surfaced as well. During the second third, the natural tobacco and chocolate notes alternated as to which was the more prominent note. I also detected a slight almond note in the background. The last third saw the spice hit the forefront with the cedar coming back.
This is a medium strength cigar with notes starting out medium-bodied before progressing to medium to full in the last third. Overall it is Cubanesque, but it has so much more smoothness. This is a cigar you would crawl across the desert to smoke. It gets one of my rare Oasis ratings.
December 11, 2014
Cubanacan HR Sublime
Paul Asadoorian 5 - The Oasis Cubanacan, EP122, HR, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano 2000 seed Hybrid
Binder : Nicaraguan, Jalapa
Filler: Nicaraguan, Esteli and Jalapa
Country of Origin: Nicaragua (Cubanacan Cigars Factory S.A.)
Sublime: 6 1/2 x 54
Price: $21.95
This cigar was assessed in depth on Cigar Coop.
The Cubanacan HR is a new brand that has been launched by Nicaraguan cigar manufacturer Cubanacan Cigars. 2014 has been a year of transformation for Cubanacan cigars. Earlier this year the company also streamlined its portfolio to focus on their existing Cubanacan, Soneros, and Mederos brands. The new HR brand was announced shortly before the 2014 IPCPR. The HR brand is a collaboration between Cubanacan Cigars and acclaimed Cuban cigar grower / cigar maker Hirochi Robaina.
I will start off very simple – this is an a landmark cigar. It is truly a special blend and it already is a frontrunner for my 2015 Cigar of the Year.
This cigar is loaded with complexity. It starts out with notes of wood, natural tobacco sweetness (with some sugar cane), and white pepper. As the HR Sublime moved through the first third, some chocolate notes surfaced. By the end of the first third, the chocolate notes joined the natural tobacco flavors in the forefront. The sugar cane notes diminished while the cedar and pepper were more distant. There was also a nice creamy undertone that surfaced as well. During the second third, the natural tobacco and chocolate notes alternated as to which was the more prominent note. I also detected a slight almond note in the background. The last third saw the spice hit the forefront with the cedar coming back.
This is a medium strength cigar with notes starting out medium-bodied before progressing to medium to full in the last third. Overall it is Cubanesque, but it has so much more smoothness. This is a cigar you would crawl across the desert to smoke. It gets one of my rare Oasis ratings.
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