Wrapper: Nicaraguan Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Nicaragua (Tabacos Cubanica S.A.)
Toro: 6 1/2 x 52
There is a lot of detail on Cigar Coop on the experience with this.
The year 2014 marked 50 years since Jose O. Padrón founded Padrón Cigars. To no surprise, the company has unveiled some new cigars to mark the occasion. These new cigars marked the first new lines released by Padrón in over three years. Front and center of these releases is the much talked about new limited edition line of cigars called Padrón 50th Anniversary – The Hammer. This is an ultra-premium cigar line that features some of the best tobaccos secured by the Padrón family. Consistent with Padrón releases, the Padrón 50th Anniversary is available in a natural and maduro option. As a part of the Padrón 50th Anniversary release, these cigars are packaged in a ultra-premium luxury humidor. As much as the cigar and the packaging have been talked about, the price point of this offering has also been talked about as the whole package carries retail price of $5300.00. A total of 1,000 humidors have been produced and given there are 50 cigars per humidor, the initial allocation totaled 50,000 cigars. The same humidor is available for the natural and maduro options of the Padrón 50th Anniversary cigar.
This might be the greatest Padrón of them all. It delivers notes of cocoa, chocolate, cedar, cream, earth, cedar, and pepper. This cigar is the smoothest Padrón I have ever had. It’s a medium to full-bodied smoke that only increases slightly.
This is not cigar I’m going to recommend spending a $106.00 for, nor one that that I am going to tell people to buy a $5300.00 humidor. No tobacco product fits that price point. This is a special occasion cigar. Most likely to get this cigar you are going to overpay if you buy singles. However, I am saying this cigar is one of the all-time greats.
I debated putting the Oasis assessment rating because of the price. We define an Oasis rating as “Pursue relentlessly. Crawl Across a desert of broken glass to find and build a new humidor to store all the boxes”. Ultimately, I felt this cigar fit the definition.
January 8, 2015
Padrón 50th Anniversary Maduro
Paul Asadoorian 5 - The Oasis EP124, Padron, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Nicaragua (Tabacos Cubanica S.A.)
Toro: 6 1/2 x 52
There is a lot of detail on Cigar Coop on the experience with this.
The year 2014 marked 50 years since Jose O. Padrón founded Padrón Cigars. To no surprise, the company has unveiled some new cigars to mark the occasion. These new cigars marked the first new lines released by Padrón in over three years. Front and center of these releases is the much talked about new limited edition line of cigars called Padrón 50th Anniversary – The Hammer. This is an ultra-premium cigar line that features some of the best tobaccos secured by the Padrón family. Consistent with Padrón releases, the Padrón 50th Anniversary is available in a natural and maduro option. As a part of the Padrón 50th Anniversary release, these cigars are packaged in a ultra-premium luxury humidor. As much as the cigar and the packaging have been talked about, the price point of this offering has also been talked about as the whole package carries retail price of $5300.00. A total of 1,000 humidors have been produced and given there are 50 cigars per humidor, the initial allocation totaled 50,000 cigars. The same humidor is available for the natural and maduro options of the Padrón 50th Anniversary cigar.
This might be the greatest Padrón of them all. It delivers notes of cocoa, chocolate, cedar, cream, earth, cedar, and pepper. This cigar is the smoothest Padrón I have ever had. It’s a medium to full-bodied smoke that only increases slightly.
This is not cigar I’m going to recommend spending a $106.00 for, nor one that that I am going to tell people to buy a $5300.00 humidor. No tobacco product fits that price point. This is a special occasion cigar. Most likely to get this cigar you are going to overpay if you buy singles. However, I am saying this cigar is one of the all-time greats.
I debated putting the Oasis assessment rating because of the price. We define an Oasis rating as “Pursue relentlessly. Crawl Across a desert of broken glass to find and build a new humidor to store all the boxes”. Ultimately, I felt this cigar fit the definition.
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