
This is a cigar that builds up in strength and body, this is not a cigar that is going to try to push the boundaries of these attributes for a Connecticut Shade cigar (i.e. it stays mild to medium to the lower end of medium for strength and body). This is a Connecticut Shade where I found some cream in the flavor profile, but it’s also cigar where the cream is less of a factor than on most other Connecticut Shades. In the end, I found there was still enough different about this cigar to separate it from many other Connecticut Shade cigars on the market. At $4.95, it’s hard to ignore the value this cigar provides as it smokes like a premium cigar inside and out.

Wrapper: Ecuadorean Connecticut
Binder: Piloto Cubano.
Filler: Dominican: T-112,Piloto Cubano,Criollo 98
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic (Tabacalera Palma)
Chaveta: 5 1/8 x 50
Price: $4.50
Cigar Coop Review: La Galera Connecticut Chaveta by IndianHead Cigars
Show Video: Episode 199

Stogie Geeks Rating: 3-The Fiver