Stogie Geeks #297


Interview: Tim Wong, A.J. Fernandez-cigars

Tim Wong | A.J. Fernandez Cigars and Owner of Pier 28 Cigars

About AJ Fernandez

With three generations in the premium-cigar business, the Fernandez name connotes quality Cuban tradition. Today, this Nicaragua factory, headed by A.J. Fernandez, produces handmade cigars expertly crafted of only the highest-quality tobacco leaf that the selective team finds worthy of its expertly aged and blended cigars, including the many San Lotano lines that have earned numerous high scores in popular cigar publications. With its diverse catalog of so many premium-cigar styles (including the uniquely shaped San Lotano Oval), the team at AJ Fernandez has not only provided a blend, strength, and flavor profile for every preference but also a cigar event that goes beyond the typical smoking experience.




Joe Hozempa | Host of Stogie Geeks
Everyone knows Joe Hozempa. The “Italian Stallion” of the Rhode Island cigar culture. Joe isn’t afraid to give a cigar an average review. He knows what he likes and isn’t afraid to say it.

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