This cigar was recently assessed in depth on Cigar Coop.
Wrapper: Yamasá (Dominican)
Binder: Olor/Criollo( Dominican)
Filler: Piloto Viso, Piloto Ligero, San Vicente Ligero, Corojo/Olor, Crillo (All Dominican)
Belicoso: 6 x 52
Price: $16.00
This is the 2014 installment of the Avo Limited Edition and the first Dominican puro released on this line. It features the Yamasá region wrapper found on many of parent company Davidoff’s limited releases in the past year. The name is symbolic of Avo Uvezian’s 88th birthday as well as keys on the grand piano.
This has become an iconic line in my book and I look forward to each year’s new release. Not being a belicoso fan, I was a little skeptical.
Henke Kelner and Eladio Diaz hit it out of the park again. This one is loaded with notes of chocolate, orange cream, grass, and red pepper. I could even detect some corojo like sweetness from the filler. The strength and body are medium, but progress upwards to medium to full in the second half.
This one was so box worthy I went and bought a box to be ready to fight Chuck Norris for it.
March 31, 2014
Avo Limited Edition 2014 – Avo 88
Paul Asadoorian 4.5 - Fight Chuck Norris For Them EP90, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
This cigar was recently assessed in depth on Cigar Coop.
Wrapper: Yamasá (Dominican)
Binder: Olor/Criollo( Dominican)
Filler: Piloto Viso, Piloto Ligero, San Vicente Ligero, Corojo/Olor, Crillo (All Dominican)
Belicoso: 6 x 52
Price: $16.00
This is the 2014 installment of the Avo Limited Edition and the first Dominican puro released on this line. It features the Yamasá region wrapper found on many of parent company Davidoff’s limited releases in the past year. The name is symbolic of Avo Uvezian’s 88th birthday as well as keys on the grand piano.
This has become an iconic line in my book and I look forward to each year’s new release. Not being a belicoso fan, I was a little skeptical.
Henke Kelner and Eladio Diaz hit it out of the park again. This one is loaded with notes of chocolate, orange cream, grass, and red pepper. I could even detect some corojo like sweetness from the filler. The strength and body are medium, but progress upwards to medium to full in the second half.
This one was so box worthy I went and bought a box to be ready to fight Chuck Norris for it.
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