Wrapper: Dominican Yamasá
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Size: 5 x 56
Price: $22.00
An in-depth assessment of the Davidoff of Geneva 25th Anniversary was done on Cigar Coop.
In 2013, Davidoff has unveiled two 25th anniversary cigars. One cigar is to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their North American operations and the other is the 25th anniversary of their flagship retail store on Madison Avenue in New York. Today, we talk about the former – the Davidoff of Geneva 25th Anniversary.
The Davidoff of Geneva 25th Anniversary is one to the larger ring gauge releases by Davidoff. It does have a resemblance to the Davidoff Golden Band Awards 2012 cigar because it uses the same wrapper, however the 25th Anniversary smokes differently. It has the classic Davidoff grass, pepper, and nut flavors. It also has a nice caramel sweetness. The cigar smoked pretty good, but on the “back nine” (toward the end), I found this cigar to get somewhat a little harsh and rough.
Both the strength and body start out medium and progress to medium to full. The construction was outstanding with no burn or draw issues.
I will say, with the exception of the end – the 25th Anniversary kept me interested. Given its limited, I’d still say its worth a fiver to put a few in your humidor.
October 29, 2013
Davidoff of Geneva 25th Anniversary
Paul Asadoorian 3- The Fiver EP71, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: Dominican Yamasá
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Size: 5 x 56
Price: $22.00
An in-depth assessment of the Davidoff of Geneva 25th Anniversary was done on Cigar Coop.
In 2013, Davidoff has unveiled two 25th anniversary cigars. One cigar is to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their North American operations and the other is the 25th anniversary of their flagship retail store on Madison Avenue in New York. Today, we talk about the former – the Davidoff of Geneva 25th Anniversary.
The Davidoff of Geneva 25th Anniversary is one to the larger ring gauge releases by Davidoff. It does have a resemblance to the Davidoff Golden Band Awards 2012 cigar because it uses the same wrapper, however the 25th Anniversary smokes differently. It has the classic Davidoff grass, pepper, and nut flavors. It also has a nice caramel sweetness. The cigar smoked pretty good, but on the “back nine” (toward the end), I found this cigar to get somewhat a little harsh and rough.
Both the strength and body start out medium and progress to medium to full. The construction was outstanding with no burn or draw issues.
I will say, with the exception of the end – the 25th Anniversary kept me interested. Given its limited, I’d still say its worth a fiver to put a few in your humidor.
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