Wrapper: Brazilian Cuban Seed (Cubra)
Binder: Nicaraguan Cuban Seed
Filler: Nicaraguan Cuban Seed, Dominican Cuban Seed, Brazilian Cuban Seed
Toro: 6 1/4 x 54
Price: $189.99 (Box of 20 at Emerson’s Cigars)
This cigar was assessed in detail on Cigar Coop.
The Kristoff Galerones Sentido is one of four new blends making up the Kristoff Galerones series. The Galerones line is not just a set of new cigars, but it marks a radical change in direction for the products being released by Kristoff. The Galerones line feature more sleek packaging, and incorporates tobaccos Kristoff has not previously used. In addition, company President Glen Case is working with a new factory – Abe Flores’ PDR Cigars factory in the Dominican Republic. The Sentido uses the Brazilian Cubra wrapper, a cigar synonymous with Flores’ factory.
This cigar will definitely throw out some unique flavors. It provides notes of natural tobacco, white pepper, wood, raisin, and even graham cracker. In fact its very different than any Cubra wrapped cigar I had. This cigar is not going to be a powerhouse as it is the perfect medium strength, medium-bodied cigar. Construction was excellent as the cigar produced a low maintenance burn and draw.
I’m unsure how aging will impact this cigar. For now, this is definitely worth a box split at this time.
Peter Brown
October 13, 2014 @ 7:07 am
The cigar had a big flavor component as opposed to a strength-based nature, and Flores was very helpful in achieving that goal.