This cigar is epic. Wonderful aroma, body, flavor, complexity, burn, draw, construction. This is the type of cigar that has just about everything going for it. Cigars in the Oasis category have this in common, they hit home runs in all areas, and this was a grand slam for sure. If you ever find these, buy as many as you can as you will not be disappointed.
December 5, 2013
Don Carlos Lancero
Paul Asadoorian 5 - The Oasis EP76, Paul, Stogies 0 Comments
This cigar is epic. Wonderful aroma, body, flavor, complexity, burn, draw, construction. This is the type of cigar that has just about everything going for it. Cigars in the Oasis category have this in common, they hit home runs in all areas, and this was a grand slam for sure. If you ever find these, buy as many as you can as you will not be disappointed.
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