Wrapper : Yamasá
Binder: San Vicente
Filler: Olor Seco, San Vicente Ligero, Piloto Viso, Hybrid Seco.
Size: 6 x 60
Price: $31.00
This cigar has been covered extensively since June on Cigar Coop. We recently published a detailed assessment on this cigar.
The Davidoff 2014 Year of the Horse is the second cigar by Davidoff to pay homage to the Chinese Zodiac. Last December, Davidoff released their first cigar in this line, the Davidoff 2013 Year of the Snake. This cigar is significant because it is the first 6 x 60 released under the Davidoff brand.
Give credit to Henke Kelner because he set out to blend a 6 x 60 the way a 6 x 60 should be blended – from the ground up. This cigar is an absolute flavor bomb. The cigar starts out with a blast of sweetness that almost reminds me of cherry-flavored hard candy. It then settles into notes of cherry, natural tobacco, pepper, earth, hay, and baker’s spice. It actually gets very “Davdoff-like” later in the first third. The flavors are full-bodied. This cigar has a little more kick than most Davidoffs as it is medium to full strength. The construction was excellent.
I have this as a Box Split and was close to recombining a box purchase. The price point is $31.00. While this is an excellent cigar, I felt the Year of the Snake (which was $1.00 more) was still at a level higher. Despite this, it’s the second best Davidoff to come out in the past twelve months, and it probably ranks as one of the best 60 ring gauge cigars of the year.
December 12, 2013
Davidoff 2014 Year of the Horse
Paul Asadoorian 3.5 - Box Split EP77, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper : Yamasá
Binder: San Vicente
Filler: Olor Seco, San Vicente Ligero, Piloto Viso, Hybrid Seco.
Size: 6 x 60
Price: $31.00
This cigar has been covered extensively since June on Cigar Coop. We recently published a detailed assessment on this cigar.
The Davidoff 2014 Year of the Horse is the second cigar by Davidoff to pay homage to the Chinese Zodiac. Last December, Davidoff released their first cigar in this line, the Davidoff 2013 Year of the Snake. This cigar is significant because it is the first 6 x 60 released under the Davidoff brand.
Give credit to Henke Kelner because he set out to blend a 6 x 60 the way a 6 x 60 should be blended – from the ground up. This cigar is an absolute flavor bomb. The cigar starts out with a blast of sweetness that almost reminds me of cherry-flavored hard candy. It then settles into notes of cherry, natural tobacco, pepper, earth, hay, and baker’s spice. It actually gets very “Davdoff-like” later in the first third. The flavors are full-bodied. This cigar has a little more kick than most Davidoffs as it is medium to full strength. The construction was excellent.
I have this as a Box Split and was close to recombining a box purchase. The price point is $31.00. While this is an excellent cigar, I felt the Year of the Snake (which was $1.00 more) was still at a level higher. Despite this, it’s the second best Davidoff to come out in the past twelve months, and it probably ranks as one of the best 60 ring gauge cigars of the year.
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