Davidoff gran cru number 1

It is the shapes of the Davidoff Grand Cru Series cigars that Zino Davidoff launched his original line of cigars in 1946. Packaged in wooden cabinet boxes, the five shapes of the Grand Cru line, ranging from the Petite Corona to the Grand Corona, are made from a rich, full-bodied blend of tobaccos, offering the kind of depth, flavor and bouquet that has delighted the senses of experienced cigar lovers for over five decades.


Strength: Full (more accurately medium)
Size: 6 1/8 x 43
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Price: $17.00 each

Did you know that Davidoff made an amped up Connecticut, full of flavor, medium body, in awesome stogie geek sizes? I didn’t, until today. The Grand Cru was an outstanding cigar, full of flavors, sweetness, vanilla, smooth and creamy. It did not have an herbal/grassy component that overpowered the experience. The price is high, but worth it in my opinion. I think this cigar will have great aging potential.