Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican (3 different), Nicaraguan
Robusto: 5 x 50
Price: n/a
A pre-release version of this cigar was assessed on Cigar Coop.
The Untamed by La Aurora is the latest line scheduled to be released by La Aurora Cigars. The cigar made its official debut at the 2014 IPCPR Trade Show in Las Vegas. This was a significant release by La Aurora for a couple of reasons: First the company is positioning this cigar as its strongest release to date; Secondly, for this release the company has opted to do some different packaging.
The Untamed has notes of mocha, earth, white and black pepper. At times the mocha notes had some sweet chocolate qualities. At other times, I found the flavor to be more of an unsweetened coffee. Later on the earth notes get more prominent. There is a slight citrus component in the background. This cigar is also going to deliver a powerful spice on the retro-hale.
This is a strong and powerful smoke. It is full strength and full-bodied. I still think the La Aurora Preferidos Diamond Chicho’s Choice, a 58 ring gauge parejo that was limited to the Mid Atlantic is stronger.
The burn was pretty jagged, so it did require some touch-ups. This cigar came from Las Vegas as an IPCPR sample, went to Florida, and then to Charlotte. While it rested in a humidor for several weeks, it was subject to extreme conditions. Still this was a very good cigar flavor-wise – and has a place in the La Aurora portfolio. Too early to assign a rating, but a cigar I look forward to smoking again.
August 28, 2014
Untamed by La Aurora Robusto (Pre-Release)
Paul Asadoorian 0 - No Rating EP107, La Aurora, Miami Cigar, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican (3 different), Nicaraguan
Robusto: 5 x 50
Price: n/a
A pre-release version of this cigar was assessed on Cigar Coop.
The Untamed by La Aurora is the latest line scheduled to be released by La Aurora Cigars. The cigar made its official debut at the 2014 IPCPR Trade Show in Las Vegas. This was a significant release by La Aurora for a couple of reasons: First the company is positioning this cigar as its strongest release to date; Secondly, for this release the company has opted to do some different packaging.
The Untamed has notes of mocha, earth, white and black pepper. At times the mocha notes had some sweet chocolate qualities. At other times, I found the flavor to be more of an unsweetened coffee. Later on the earth notes get more prominent. There is a slight citrus component in the background. This cigar is also going to deliver a powerful spice on the retro-hale.
This is a strong and powerful smoke. It is full strength and full-bodied. I still think the La Aurora Preferidos Diamond Chicho’s Choice, a 58 ring gauge parejo that was limited to the Mid Atlantic is stronger.
The burn was pretty jagged, so it did require some touch-ups. This cigar came from Las Vegas as an IPCPR sample, went to Florida, and then to Charlotte. While it rested in a humidor for several weeks, it was subject to extreme conditions. Still this was a very good cigar flavor-wise – and has a place in the La Aurora portfolio. Too early to assign a rating, but a cigar I look forward to smoking again.
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