Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra
Binder: Ecuadorian Corojo ’99
Filler: Nicaraguan
Double Robusto: 6 1/2 x 54
Price: $8.50
This cigar was assessed in depth on Cigar Coop.
As the name indicates the E.P. Carrillo 5 Year Anniversary commemorates the fifth anniversary of E.P. Carrillo Cigars. It was back in 2009 when Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, announced he was leaving General Cigar to form his own company. Later that Fall, his new company E.P. Carillo released its first cigar, the E.P. Carrillo Edición Inaugural 2009. Since then, each Fall the company has released a single vitola, limited edition cigar. From 2010 through 2013, this has been known as the Edición Limitada series. While the E.P. Carrillo 5 Year Anniversary doesn’t carry the Limitada name, it fills the role as this year’s Fall release.
After a strong blast of red and black pepper, notes of natural tobacco flavors surface. There is a nice natural tobacco sweetness that surface. Notes of coffee also surface. There also also some notes of cream and oak that surface. The coffee notes eventually take over as the primary flavor. Toward the end of the cigar, the natural tobacco sweetness almost has some banana flavor to it. The notes are medium to full-bodied for the first two thirds and progress to full-bodied in the last third. The strength is medium to full.
Overall this was an enjoyable smoke and one I reached for many times this past week. For $8.50, this is a really good smoke – and its a special limited edition as well. This is a box worthy cigar.
October 16, 2014
E.P. Carrillo 5th Anniversary
Paul Asadoorian 4 - Box Worthy EP Carrillo, EP114, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra
Binder: Ecuadorian Corojo ’99
Filler: Nicaraguan
Double Robusto: 6 1/2 x 54
Price: $8.50
This cigar was assessed in depth on Cigar Coop.
As the name indicates the E.P. Carrillo 5 Year Anniversary commemorates the fifth anniversary of E.P. Carrillo Cigars. It was back in 2009 when Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, announced he was leaving General Cigar to form his own company. Later that Fall, his new company E.P. Carillo released its first cigar, the E.P. Carrillo Edición Inaugural 2009. Since then, each Fall the company has released a single vitola, limited edition cigar. From 2010 through 2013, this has been known as the Edición Limitada series. While the E.P. Carrillo 5 Year Anniversary doesn’t carry the Limitada name, it fills the role as this year’s Fall release.
After a strong blast of red and black pepper, notes of natural tobacco flavors surface. There is a nice natural tobacco sweetness that surface. Notes of coffee also surface. There also also some notes of cream and oak that surface. The coffee notes eventually take over as the primary flavor. Toward the end of the cigar, the natural tobacco sweetness almost has some banana flavor to it. The notes are medium to full-bodied for the first two thirds and progress to full-bodied in the last third. The strength is medium to full.
Overall this was an enjoyable smoke and one I reached for many times this past week. For $8.50, this is a really good smoke – and its a special limited edition as well. This is a box worthy cigar.
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