Wrapper: Nicaraguan Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan Long Filler
Toro Grande: 6 x 54
Price: $50.00 bundle of 20 at Cigar Frontier
“Aged Selects provide cigar enthusiasts with premium long filler cigars aged at least five years at an extraordinary price. The expert buyers at Aged Selects go to the factories of major manufacturers and buy cigars that have been aging their cigars for years. The team at Aged Selects inspect them, smoke them, and package them up to ensure you are getting the best quality cigar to smoke.
The Aged Selects Maduro is a Nicaraguan puro. The price point average really makes this cigar one of great value.
The Aged Selects Maduro starts out with rich sweet espresso (not syrupy as its not heavy on the palate. There also flavor a light pepper note in the background. There also was a creamy undertone. As the cigar goes forward, the sweetness diminishes and the flavors become more earthy with black coffee mixed in. By the last third, the pepper joins the earth and black pepper notes. The notes are medium bodied countered by medium strength. Construction was excellent and this is reflected with the burn an draw.
Overall, this is a great cigar for the money. I would never know thought a cigar for $2.50 would smoke this good.
December 11, 2014
Aged Selects Maduro Toro Grande
Paul Asadoorian 4 - Box Worthy Aged Selects, EP123, Stogies, Will 0 Comments
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan Long Filler
Toro Grande: 6 x 54
Price: $50.00 bundle of 20 at Cigar Frontier
“Aged Selects provide cigar enthusiasts with premium long filler cigars aged at least five years at an extraordinary price. The expert buyers at Aged Selects go to the factories of major manufacturers and buy cigars that have been aging their cigars for years. The team at Aged Selects inspect them, smoke them, and package them up to ensure you are getting the best quality cigar to smoke.
The Aged Selects Maduro is a Nicaraguan puro. The price point average really makes this cigar one of great value.
The Aged Selects Maduro starts out with rich sweet espresso (not syrupy as its not heavy on the palate. There also flavor a light pepper note in the background. There also was a creamy undertone. As the cigar goes forward, the sweetness diminishes and the flavors become more earthy with black coffee mixed in. By the last third, the pepper joins the earth and black pepper notes. The notes are medium bodied countered by medium strength. Construction was excellent and this is reflected with the burn an draw.
Overall, this is a great cigar for the money. I would never know thought a cigar for $2.50 would smoke this good.
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